Upcoming Events
Note that all prices are in US dollars. Canadians may pay face value equivalent, but please add 5% tax. Please email me if you need clarification.
Note that all prices are in US dollars. Canadians may pay face value equivalent, but please add 5% tax. Please email me if you need clarification.
Returning to Love Program
As increased divine love energy is entering our dimension, we are being supporting in raising our frequency to that of unconditional love, first for selves, then for others. This energetic support can trigger the release of the old traumas and illusions that have kept us in the lower state of fear and separation that we are now moving out of. It’s helpful to understand and cooperate with the process so that we can move through it more easily and with more grace.
This new program will include powerful love transmissions that help us release what is not true and real and move through remaining density to liberation. We will deepen into our original state of love consciousness, wholeness, and well-being, and come to treasure our precious human experience, all the while knowing it is not our ultimate identity. This is self realization, and it brings the awakening of joy.
In this three-part program, each session will include guided meditation, inquiry, dialog, and experiential practices to support the process of releasing the old consciousness and awakening, integrating, and expressing the new yet original state of embodied love nature. Sessions may be taken individually or as a package. Purchase all three workshops as a package for $750 and save $150.
Breakthrough into Love
This workshop begins with an activation through guided meditation and energetic transmission that brings a powerful love frequency into every cell of the body and all aspects of being. There will be processes to support integrating the love frequency and bringing light into remaining density, allowing it to be transformed by the power of love.
Topics include:
Dates: September 14, 21 & 28, 2024; 9am - noon Pacific time
Cost: $300 Some partial scholarships available. Email Karen to inquire.
Email Karen for details or to register
Liberation into Love Consciousness
In this workshop, we will tap into the power of Grace, allowing it to move in waves of liberation that support us in removing the remaining barriers to love. As we open to and surrender to the process, Grace brings about a releasing of the deepest patterns and illusions that hold us in limitation. The main energy that is released is fear, and we are truly liberated once we emerge from the process.
We enter a lighter, freer state of being and return to the flow of universal love in ourselves and our lives. We shift from conflict to peace both within and without. On the other side of the process, we are compassion embodied. It is as if we pass through the eye of the needle, leaving behind what was never true and soaring into a new freedom and lightness of being.
Topics include:
Dates: October 12, 19 & 26, 2024; 9am - noon Pacific time
Cost: $300 Some partial scholarships available. Email Karen to inquire.
Email Karen for details or to register
Integration and Expression of Enlightened Presence
As we pass through the old karmic patterns and awaken more of our love nature, we reconnect with our original innocence. This helps awaken a greater sense of freedom and joy. As we integrate more of the love consciousness, we naturally release old identities and allow a greater expression of divine love and light in us and through us. We also align with the immense power of divine will that brings strength to meet anything that arises in our personal or collective world. This power, once activated, provides us with the antidote to fear. This frees us up to move from fear / survival consciousness to creator consciousness. We bring expressions and creations to life that transform our lives and support the creation of New Earth.
Topics include:
Dates: November 9, 16 & 23; 9am - noon Pacific time
Cost: $300 Some partial scholarships available. Email Karen to inquire.
Email Karen for details or to register
Free Healing Meditation
In this free online healing meditation we will activate the gentle yet potent power of the Holy Fire in the heart centre for healing ourselves and our world.
Date: TBA
As increased divine love energy is entering our dimension, we are being supporting in raising our frequency to that of unconditional love, first for selves, then for others. This energetic support can trigger the release of the old traumas and illusions that have kept us in the lower state of fear and separation that we are now moving out of. It’s helpful to understand and cooperate with the process so that we can move through it more easily and with more grace.
This new program will include powerful love transmissions that help us release what is not true and real and move through remaining density to liberation. We will deepen into our original state of love consciousness, wholeness, and well-being, and come to treasure our precious human experience, all the while knowing it is not our ultimate identity. This is self realization, and it brings the awakening of joy.
In this three-part program, each session will include guided meditation, inquiry, dialog, and experiential practices to support the process of releasing the old consciousness and awakening, integrating, and expressing the new yet original state of embodied love nature. Sessions may be taken individually or as a package. Purchase all three workshops as a package for $750 and save $150.
Breakthrough into Love
This workshop begins with an activation through guided meditation and energetic transmission that brings a powerful love frequency into every cell of the body and all aspects of being. There will be processes to support integrating the love frequency and bringing light into remaining density, allowing it to be transformed by the power of love.
Topics include:
- Receiving the Divine Love transmission
- Activating Christ Consciousness, the source of light within
- Uncovering the core of fear
- Permeating the core of fear with love
- Releasing the trauma and limiting beliefs in the core of fear
- Breaking through into a state of higher love and wholeness
Dates: September 14, 21 & 28, 2024; 9am - noon Pacific time
Cost: $300 Some partial scholarships available. Email Karen to inquire.
Email Karen for details or to register
Liberation into Love Consciousness
In this workshop, we will tap into the power of Grace, allowing it to move in waves of liberation that support us in removing the remaining barriers to love. As we open to and surrender to the process, Grace brings about a releasing of the deepest patterns and illusions that hold us in limitation. The main energy that is released is fear, and we are truly liberated once we emerge from the process.
We enter a lighter, freer state of being and return to the flow of universal love in ourselves and our lives. We shift from conflict to peace both within and without. On the other side of the process, we are compassion embodied. It is as if we pass through the eye of the needle, leaving behind what was never true and soaring into a new freedom and lightness of being.
Topics include:
- Generating a field of love consciousness
- Increasing compassionate for all remaining fear and pain
- Recognizing remaining limiting beliefs and conditioning
- Passing through the eye of the needle
- Experiencing the light and freedom of true liberation
- Deepening love consciousness
Dates: October 12, 19 & 26, 2024; 9am - noon Pacific time
Cost: $300 Some partial scholarships available. Email Karen to inquire.
Email Karen for details or to register
Integration and Expression of Enlightened Presence
As we pass through the old karmic patterns and awaken more of our love nature, we reconnect with our original innocence. This helps awaken a greater sense of freedom and joy. As we integrate more of the love consciousness, we naturally release old identities and allow a greater expression of divine love and light in us and through us. We also align with the immense power of divine will that brings strength to meet anything that arises in our personal or collective world. This power, once activated, provides us with the antidote to fear. This frees us up to move from fear / survival consciousness to creator consciousness. We bring expressions and creations to life that transform our lives and support the creation of New Earth.
Topics include:
- Returning to the joy and freedom of original innocence
- Releasing attachments to old identities and roles
- Invoking the immense power of divine will
- Activating the antidote to fear
- Expressing more of our love nature in all areas of life
- Moving into creator consciousness
Dates: November 9, 16 & 23; 9am - noon Pacific time
Cost: $300 Some partial scholarships available. Email Karen to inquire.
Email Karen for details or to register
Free Healing Meditation
In this free online healing meditation we will activate the gentle yet potent power of the Holy Fire in the heart centre for healing ourselves and our world.
Date: TBA